Rione Monti

Monti, a hidden gem in the middle of Rome, is a quarter too frequently overlooked by tourists rushing by only to see its famous sights, such as the Colosseum and the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, and missing altogether the magic charm and secrets that lie inside the neighbourhood. A district of medieval watchtowers and narrow stairway streets, artsy boutiques and vintages shops, gourmet eateries, hipster bars and artisanal product stalls, Monti opens its soul, both young and dynamic and at the same time wise, skilful and profound, to everyone who is willing to wonder into its welcoming embrace.

A view down the Via Boschetto, Monti, Rome


Layers of history in Monti

Officially called Rione Monti, Monti is privileged to be the first rione (historic district) of Rome. The literal meaning of its name is “mountains” and refers to the fact, that earlier it was delimiting the bigger area and partially covering several of the famous seven hills of Rome – Esquiline, Viminal, Quirinal and Caelian Hills. Shrunk to its current size in the beginning of the 20th century, Monti nevertheless held on to its name and also to its coat of arms: three green mountains with three tops on a silver background. A keen eye will catch the black-and-white or colourful version of it on many corners and inside many restaurants in the neighbourhood.

History in Monti is layered and stratified over a period of 2500 years from Ancient Rome through medieval to modern times. Whatever epoch you are interested in – Monti has some treasure for everyone.


During the period of Ancient Rome the area housed a densely populated neighbourhood, mostly inhabited by lower class living in miserable conditions, thus the district was full of social contradictions, crime and immorality. The Latin name of the area was Svbvra, the origin of the English word “suburb”, the spelling in modern Italian changed to Suburra. At the lower exit of the metro station Cavour (when coming from Laurentina direction towards Termini), you can find Piazza della Suburra, in one corner of which you can see the inscription of the Latin name.

Due to its bad fame and frequent fires breaking out in the neighbourhood, the constantly smouldering Suburra was fenced off from a more upscale area of Roman Forums by a thick 33-meter high wall made of fire-resistant gabine stone. Remains of this wall can be still seen today along the Via Tor de’ Conti, where through the Arco dei Pantani you can also take a look at the Imperial Fora.

Medieval Times

During the Middle Ages the ruins of Suburra and the Forums were peppered by newly built watchtowers – each powerful aristocratic family had to own at least one, and the more important was the family, the thicker the walls of the tower and the taller the building. Many of them were demolished during the 13th century, as a consequence of a new senator’s attempt to end the centuries-long civil war between the noble families. Some of them still remain standing today, and although modified over time, still represent a significant medieval imprint on the urban fabric of Monti. To see more information about the towers, scroll down to the Sightseeing section.

Modern Days

A girl cycling down Via Boschetto People of Monti Via Panisperna, Monti, Rome


Two girls at Piazza Santa Maria in Monti

Since the end of the 19th century, when Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, and during the years of the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini, Monti district has witnessed a lot of drastic changes. The fabric of the neighbourhood was severely altered and reshaped by cutting through the medieval quarters, demolishing them and adding several large avenues, namely Via Nazionale, Via Cavour and Via dei Fori Imperiali.

During the last decades Monti emerged as a bright star on the horizon of the bohemian, artsy and avant-garde population of Rome. Its squares are full of fashionable youngsters meeting with friends for a drink or a quick bite, and narrow streets hide the gems of designer clothing, stylish furniture and vintage decorative items. Young brave entrepreneurs open new establishments and invite others to share their idea and philosophy of healthy, wholesome, and sustainable. Venture here and you will inevitably fall in love with this magical neighbourhood and all its secret treasures.

Sightseeing in Monti

Contrary to what may seem from the first glance, Monti is not only about fashion, art and style. It also has a lot to offer to someone on a sightseeing mission, from the Roman ruins to the two of the four Major basilicas, which are located on the outer edges of its borders. Read on and find out what are the spots not to be missed when visiting this beautiful district.

Monuments of the Roman Empire

Since the area of Monti was populated from the times of the Ancient Rome, a lot of archaeological wonders of Roman Empire still remain to be seen today.

Colosseum at twilight

The One and Only – Colosseum

One of the most important remains of the Roman Empire, the unspoken symbol of Rome, Colosseum proudly stands for almost 2000 years. No additional representation is required – you can find information about it in endless sources, for a short insight into history and working hours take a look at our Colosseum guide.

Ludus Magnus

After having finished visiting the Colosseum, use the chance to pass by the remains of The Great Gladiatorial Training School, where gladiators were practicing and preparing for their fights. Resembling in structure the nearby arena but much smaller in size, Ludus Magnus was connected to the Colosseum with an underground passage. Nowadays only the little part of the remains is excavated and visible between the streets of Via Labicana and Via di S.Giovanni in Laterano.

The Imperial Fora

Fori ImperialiFori ImperialiFori Imperiali

Fori Imperiali in Italian, these are a series of monumental public squares constructed between 46 BC and 113 AD by a succession of emperors. Located in the heart of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, these squares were the centers of politics, religion and economy. The standing out sight are the Trajan’s Markets, which are accessible through the Museo dei Fori Imperiali, open daily from 09:30 to 19:30, cost of the adult ticket is 11.50€.

Nero’s Domus Aurea

Laying between the Colosseum and the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, there are the partially excavated remains of Domus Aurea – a huge villa built by Emperor Nero after the great fire of 64 AD. The level of luxury and richness implemented in its construction is reflected in its name, which in Latin means “The Golden House”. However, most of the Domus Aurea was filled with ground and built over right after Nero’s death, and in a few decades the place was forgotten about. Paradoxically this also ensured the survival of the wall paintings of the villa until modern times. Unfortunately, due to its poor condition, the monument is closed to public at the moment, but check back during your trip to Rome in case it would be re-open for visits.

Medieval Towers

Torre dei Conti

Torre dei Borgia

Torre delle Milizie

Torre del Grillo

Torre degli Annibaldi

If you are looking for medieval traces around Monti, there is no better way to spend the day than to see the medieval towers which are still remaining, some of them free-standing, some incorporated into other buildings. Imagine the fight for power and influence between noble aristocratic families, each trying to build a higher tower, not only to prove their might, but also to be able to shoot and to catapult downwards from theirs onto the enemy’s tower. A view of the Roman panorama from the top floors of the towers must have been incredible at the time of their construction – no other buildings obstructing the view, impressive Roman ruins always located somewhere nearby.. Let your imagination run wild and start with Via Tor de’ Conti and Salita del Grillo, where you can find three of the towers. If you do not want to walk uphill, enter Monti from the direction of Largo Magnanapoli.

Torre delle Milizie

Tower of the Militia is one of the oldest and tallest towers of the medieval Rome. Built in the 13th century, it was actually constructed on top of the ruins of the Servian wall’s watchtower. Following the earthquake of 1348, the tower lost its top and tilted slightly, but was still used and changed possessors from one noble family to the next. The origin of the name is lost in centuries, it might have referred to a nearby location of the military quarters. According to the popular legend, emperor Nero chose the place where the tower is standing now to watch over the great fire of Rome, so sometimes the tower is also called “Nero’s Tower”.

Torre del Grillo

Continuing down along Salita del Grillo, you will encounter another medieval tower, Tower of the Grillo named so after the Grillo family. It was constructed in the 13th century, and is a lovely example of how towers were incorporated into other buildings at a later date.

Torre dei Conti

Follow the street further along the remains of the ancient wall, built to separate the Suburra district from the Fora, and you will see the Tower of the Contis, one of the most impressive medieval towers of Rome. It is said to once have been 50-60 meters tall, but the upper floors were destroyed in the series of earthquakes, bringing it down to its current size of 30 meters. Built in 1238 by Richard Conti, it served as a fortified residence for his family. With the construction of the Via Cavour and the Via dei Fori Imperiali on the turn of the 19th/20th centuries, the tower was left isolated from surrounding buildings and is now free-standing.

View over the Torre degli Annibaldi

Torre dei Borgia

From Torre dei Conti follow Via Cavour in the direction of the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, around which you can see another two towers. One of them is visible from the Piazza San Pietro in Vincoli and is called Tower of the Borgias. Nowadays it’s a bell tower of the nearby Church of San Francesco di Paola. The watchtower itself was constructed in the 12th century, but the belfry was added much later, thus becoming the only belfry with a complete tower at its base. The name is derived from the nearby located Salita dei Borgia.

Torre degli Annibaldi

Constructed in the 1204 by family Annibaldi, this tower was brought to life using the construction material from the remains of the nearby Baths of Titus and Domus Aurea. On the southern side of the tower you can see a round recess – this is a closed staircase used to connect the floors of the building. During the Middle Age the tower had a sad fame of being a spot where the hands of the thieves were nailed to the wall, especially of those thought of stealing from the church.

Torre dei Graziani and Torre dei Capocci

If you follow via Cavour, turn onto Via Giovanni Lanza and follow it for a few minutes you will arrive to the Piazza di San Martino Ai Monti, where another two towers are standing opposite each other. A free-standing Torre dei Capocci was constructed with the materials extracted from the Baths of Trajan, and was once surrounded by lower buildings forming a kind of citadel. The buildings were demolished at the end of the 19th century, thus prompting a reconstruction of the walls below the third floor, creating a slight difference in structure which is still visible today.

Across from the Tower of the Capocci you can see a shorter Tower of the Graziani, which is now incorporated into the surrounding buildings.

Religious edifices

An image of Madonna in Monti

An image of Madonna with a child in Monti

Two out of the four Major basilicas (highest-ranking Roman Catholic churches) are located within the borders of the area of Monti historical district. Besides, there are 50 other churches situated in the neighbourhood. Here we mention the most notable of those.

Santa Maria Maggiore

Basilica of St. Mary Major is a Papal major basilica and the largest Catholic Marian church in Rome. One of the first churches in honour of the Virgin Mary, it was built in the middle of the 5th century and was added to the list of the Major basilicas in the jubilee year of 1390. Mosaics devoted to Virgin Mary are covering the nave and the triumphal arch and are perfect examples of mosaic art of the 5th century.

The church still retains the core of its original structure withstanding the earthquake of 1348 and several additional construction projects. The bell tower of the church added in the 14th century is the highest in Rome at 73 meters. Extensive renovation of the interiors including all of the altars was carried out between 1575 and 1630.

Basilica contains a relic, under the high altar you will find the crystal reliquary said to contain wood from the Holy Crib of the nativity of Christ. To the right of the altar you can see a tomb of the famous Italian sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini and his family.

You can visit the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore every day from 07:00 until 18:45. More information on the Holy Masses can be found here.


San Giovanni in Laterano

The oldest Major Basilica which also ranks the first among all of them is St. John Lateran Archbasilica, “the mother church of the world”, also located in Monti. The Archbasilica stands over the remains of the Roman fort, substantial parts of which lie directly beneath the nave. The official dedication of the basilica happened in 324, when the Papal Cathedra was placed in its and adjacent Lateran Palace’s interior, making it the Cathedral of the Bishop of Rome. During its life time basilica was rebuilt several times after extensive earthquake and damaging fire, that almost totally destroyed it, however, always retaining its ancient form, as the lines of the building were retraced.

Outside the basilica, on the square in front of the Lateran Palace, you can see the largest standing obelisk in the world. It weighs an estimated 455 tons and was placed at its present site in 1588.

Visits to San Giovanni in Laterano are possible daily between 07:00 and 18:30.

San Pietro in Vincoli

The name of this Roman Catholic church translates into English as “Saint Peter in Chains”. The basilica is known for housing a precious relic – in a reliquary under the main altar there are the chains that said to have bound Saint Peter when he was imprisoned in Jerusalem. According to the legend, when Pope Leo I received these chains, he compared them to the ones that were used for Saint Peter’s final imprisonment in Mamertine Prison in Rome, and the two miraculously fused together.

To the right side of the altar you can see an object of pilgrimage for art lovers – Michelangelo’s Moses completed in 1515 as a tomb monument for Pope Julius II.

Basilica of Saint Peter in Chains is open for visits every day between 08:00-12:30 and 15:00-19:00.

Santa Maria ai Monti

San Pietro in Vincoli

Santa Pudenziana

Santa Maria ai Monti

The church Santa Maria ai Monti, also known as Madonna dei Monti, is located in the very heart of Monti and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The church was commissioned in 1580 when in the ruins of a nearby convent a miraculous 15th century image of Our Lady with St. Lawrence and St. Stephen was discovered. It now hangs over the high altar.

Outside the church you can find the center of the life of Monti – Piazza Madonna dei Monti. It is a wonderful place for eating your take-away lunch and people-watching.

Santo Stefano Rotondo

Basilica of St. Stephen in the Round on the Celian Hill is an ancient basilica, noted for the fact of being the first in Rome to have a circular plan, which is inspired by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It was first conceived in the middle of the 5th century and have undergone several renovations over the centuries. Works of art found here include the mosaics from the 7th century and the frescoes from the 16th century.

The church can be visited daily between 10:00-13:00. It is also open in the afternoons between 14:00-17:00 in winter months and 15:00-18:00 in summer months.

Santa Pudenziana

The church of Santa Pudenziana, which is also located in Monti, is recognized as the oldest place of Christian worship in Rome. It was built over an ancient Roman house dated to 2nd century and re-uses part of a bath facility still visible in the structure of the apse. The church housed the residence of the Pope until 313, when it was moved to the Lateran Palace. The most notable feature of the church is the apse with the mosaics, which date from the end of the 4th century. Although heavily restored during the 16th century, they represent an excellent example of the late Roman art.

The church can be visited daily from 08:30-12:00/15:00-18:00.

San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

The church of Saint Charles at the Four Fountains, also called San Carlino, is an iconic masterpiece of Baroque architecture, designed by the architect Francesco Borromini. It was constructed in the mid-17th century and was dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo. a leading figure during the Counter-Reformation. The rich interiors of the church are both extraordinary and complex, the dome is decorated with an intricate geometrical pattern from inside.

Opening hours of San Carlino are 10:00-13:00/15:00-18:00 on weekdays. On Saturday the church is open for visits between 10:00 and 13:00, and on Sunday only between 12:00-13:00.

Shopping in Monti

Monti is a true shopping paradise for those who love to wear original, hand-made, one-of-a-kind designer clothes. It would make no sense to list all the stores here, as you just have to dive in and experience it yourself – any street you take in Monti, you are almost guaranteed to encounter at least a few interesting little studios and outlets. Most of the shops are located on Via del Boschetto, Via Leonina, Via dei Serpenti, Via Panisperna, but check also the side streets that connect them. We will, however, mention some spots that you should not miss.

Hand made sign


Leather belts in the shopping window Braceletes

It’s also important to choose your timing – siesta is a normal occurrence in Monti, so you might find some of the places closed at least for a few hours sometime between 13:00 and 16:30. So come here before lunch or in the late afternoon! And try to avoid Sundays, as some of the shops will also be closed that day.

Fashion Market Mercato Monti

The biggest weekly bohemian fashion event in Monti is Mercato Monti, a designer market organized every Saturday and Sunday since 2009. Here you can find not only vintage and designer clothing, but also jewellery and accessories, artwork and sometimes even furniture! The organizers are on a constant search for emerging designer stars, so collections are updated weekly and every time you can find something new. Do not miss Mercato Monti, it’s open on weekends from 10:00 to 20:00 and is located very close to the metro station Cavour – on Via Leonina 46.

Vintage Clothing Stores

Monti is one of the urban areas of Rome tightly connected with the contemporary hipster subculture, thus it comes as no surprise that here you can find many vintage clothing shops, he exact addresses of some of the places worth checking out are below:

King Size Vintage shop in Monti Window of the vintage store

  • King Size Vintage: Monti has two of these shops, just in case you didn’t find everything you wanted in one of them, check the other one! The addresses are Via Leonina 78/79 and Via del Boschetto 94, both stores are open 7 days a week from 11:00 to 20:30.
  • Pifebo: Refurbished leather jackets, vintage bags, sun glasses and shirts and dresses with flower patterns – all that you can find on Via dei Serpenti, 141, Mon-Sat 11:00-20:00, on Sundays from 12:00 to 20:00.
  • God Save The Look is another vintage store in Monti you might want to check out. Located on Via dei Capocci, 49, it is open on Mondays from 15:30 to 20:00, and Tue-Sat 11:00-20:00.

Designer clothing and accessories

Other three shops which you should not miss on Via del Boschetto if you are looking for something hand-crafted, unique and one-of-a-kind are the bohemian designer boutiques:

Inside Boschettotre Designer clothing shop High heel shoes in the shopping window

  • Tina Sondergaard at Via del Boschetto, 1/D, Mon 15:00-19:30, Tue-Sat 10:30-13:00/13:30-19:30.
  • Kokoro at Via del Boschetto, 75, Mon-Sun 11:00-20:00.
  • Le Nou at Via del Boschetto, 111, Mon-Sat 12:00-20:00.

Specialty shops

A few more stores that are worth a curious look of those, who are not only interested in clothing:

Spartaco Wine Shop


Chocolate Store in Monti

  • Boschettotre: Interior design items. Via del Boschetto 3, Mon-Sat 10:30-20:00.
  • La Bottega del Cioccolato: Gourmet chocolate store. Via Leonina, 82, Mon-Sat 09:30-19:30.
  • Il Giardino del Tè: Tea shop with endless number of tastes, and if you’re not a tea person, some flavoured coffees are also available. Via del Boschetto, 107. Summertime hours: Mon-Fri 11:00-14:30/16:30-20:00, Sat 11:00-13:30/16:30-20:00. Wintertime hours: Mon-Fri 10:30-14:30/16:00-19:30, Sat 10:00-13:30/16:00-19:30.
  • Marina Gozzi: Ceramics and sculpture. Via Tor de’ Conti, 16.

Gourmet Food, Drinks And Other Services

People eating at a restaurant in Monti Friends enjoying lunch at a restaurant in Monti A musician playing in front of the restaurant in Monti

Below you will find the list of places that we can particularly recommend for a proper meal, a light snack or a drink. Information on where to shop for food and on special services, such as pharmacies, is also given below.

Restaurants for Lunch / Dinner

  • La Taverna dei Fori Imperiali: Family-run restaurant offering classical local dishes, ask for the daily specials to try interesting delicacies! Via Madonna dei Monti, 9, +39 06 6798643, Mon, Wed-Sun 12:00-15:00/19:00-23:00, closed on Tuesdays.
  • Ai Tre Scalini: Hidden amidst hanging vines, it is a perfect informal place for lunch, aperitif, dinner or drinks. In the evenings it frequently hosts some live music events and is full of locals sampling wines or draft beers, so prior reservation is suggested if you are coming to sit down at a table and eat a meal. Very attractive prices. Via Panisperna 251, +39 06 4890 7495, Mon-Sun 12:30-01:00.
  • La Carbonara: Famous for being in business since 1906, this restaurant serving traditional Roman cuisine has decent rates and is open for both lunch and dinner. Via Panisperna, 214, +39 06 482 5176, Mon-Sat 12:30-14:30/19:00-23:00, closed on Sundays.
  • L’Asino d’Oro: Traditional dishes are served here with interesting twists. Outside seating available during summer months. Via del Boschetto, 73, +39 06 4891 3832, Tue-Fri 19:30-23:00, Sat 12:30-14:30/19:30-23:00, closed on Sundays and Mondays.
  • Suburra 1930 Liquori e Cucina: Stylish spot with excellent price/value ratio, open for lunch, aperitif and dinner. Just next to the metro stop. Piazza Suburra 13-15, +39 06 4890 5713, Mon-Sun 12:00-15:00/18:00-02:00.
  • Tema: Great place for typical Roman food, extensive wine list, delicious deserts. Via Panisperna 96/98, +39 06 486 484, Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00/18:00-23:30, Sat 18:00-23:00.

Bistro / Quick Snack / Coffee / Gelato

If instead of a proper sit-down meal you would like to just grab a quick bite and continue your exploration of the magical Monti neighbourhood, we present you with a list of places that serve quick delicious snacks and little meals. Each of them is very distinctive and particular, and we recommend you to read through the whole list first before deciding which one to head to!

Delicious deserts


Windows of the Bar Monti in Rome A man enjoying a piece of pizza at a bar in Monti A restaurant in Monti Entrance of the restaurant Ai tre scalini

  • Pasta Imperiale: If you are in a mood for a quick home-made pasta, there’s no second place like that in Monti! Choose your preferred variety and shape, add the sauce you want – and here comes your delicious and fast lunch! Also “piadine” (filled Italian flatbread) available for a quick snack. Via del Boschetto, 112, +39 324 0723 203, Mon-Sun 12:00-17:00/18:30-23:30.
  • Zia Rosetta: Excellent little corner for a healthy, light and cost-effective meal. The philosophy of ambitious young creators who are running this place is that food has to be seasonal, sustainable, light and easy to digest, and authentic. Serving salads, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices and “rosette” – sandwiches of two different sizes made with local Roman bread – they manage to reach their goal and are quickly becoming popular with locals and tourists alike. Via Urbana 54, +39 06 3105 2516, Tue-Sun 11:00-22:00.
  • Aromaticus: One of the kind urban farming and herbal shop, this place also doubles as a little lunch place serving a selection of vegetarian dishes as well as some meat/fish dishes. Perfect also for a tea break with its selection of herbal teas. Via Urbana 134, + 39 06 488 1355, Tue-Sun 10:00-21:30.
  • Crêpes Galettes: A lovely little place run by a Frenchman, serving delicious savoury and sweet crêpes made out of biological buckwheat flour. Also available is a small selection of wines and beers. Sun-Thu 12:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 12:00-00:00.
  • La Casetta: Wonderful little bistro a few steps from Colosseum, in a building which looks like carried away from a movie scene. Very friendly owner will welcome you for a delicious breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea/coffee or supper. Open also during “siesta” time all day long until the evening. Via della Madonna dei Monti, 62, +39 366 655 7863, Mon, Wed-Sun 09:00-21:00, closed on Tuesdays.
  • Dall’Antò: This is a bakery with an authentic philosophy. The owner works directly with small Italian farmers and craftsmen and uses the best fresh ingredients. Here you can find products made from chickpeas and chestnut flour, filled with fresh or matured cheeses from small dairy farms, flavoured with fresh seasonal herbs and extra virgin olive oil. Via della Madonna dei Monti, 16, +39 06 678 0712. Mon-Sun 12:00-15:00/18:00-23:00.
  • Fatamorgana: Authentic artisanal Italian gelato with a mind-blowing selection of unimaginable tastes, to name just a few: Gorgonzola, Wasabi Chocolate, Mojito and Black Cherries. Traditional tastes also available, as well as a nice selection of vegan choices! Try it once and you will be back, guaranteed! Piazza degli Zingari, 5, +39 06 4890 6955, Mon-Thu, Sun 13:30-00:00, Fri-Sat 13:00-01:00.
  • Bar Monti: Great spot for a coffee stop with outside and inside seating. Food and snacks also available. Via Urbana, 93, +39 06 9521 3041, Mon-Sat 07:00-22:00, Sun 08:00-21:00.

Drinking / Nightlife

If you are wondering where to go for an evening drink or some joy and fun after dinner, we present you with our selection of most popular and distinctive places to hang out, no matter what day of the week!

An outside seating of a lounge bar

  • BlackMarket: This art gallery / lounge bar / tea room / bistro with locally produced ingredients has stood out in the Roman nightlife scene thanks to being a jump-start platform for emerging musicians from Italy and abroad. Great live music events and DJ sets are held here any day of the week, atmosphere is very relaxing and welcoming. Houses many of the performances of “Unplugged in Monti” project. Via Panisperna, 101, +39 388 981 162, Mon-Sun 17:00-02:00. Website:
  • Ice Club: Whether you are suffering from summer heat or just looking for a unique experience while staying in Rome, this is the place to be! Staying true to its name, Ice Club is an experience at -5°C, the only bar in Rome built entirely from ice – walls, benches, bar stand and even glasses are all made of ice! Check out the running promotions on weekdays – here you can frequently find specials like “1€ a shot” or “Open bar for 20€”. Via Della Madonna Dei Monti 18/19, Sun-Thu 17:00-1:00, Fri 17:00-2:00, Sat 16:00-02:00. Website:
  • Charity Café: This Jazz and Blues bar is open since 2000, and here you will not only find wonderful contemporary melodies or classic repertoire of masters, but also jam and open mic sessions held weekly. Great selection of wines and a happy hour from Wednesday to Saturday between 19:00-21:00, and extended happy hour on Mondays and Tuesdays – from 19:00 till midnight! Via Panisperna, 68, +39 06 4782 5881, Mon-Sun 19:00-02:00, closed on Sundays during summer months. Website:
  • Casa Clementina: Stylish location with great cocktails, this place attracts both locals and tourists. Via Clementina, 9, +39 392 710 5273, Tue-Sun 21:00-04:00, closed on Mondays.

Sport Bars / Pubs

Has your girlfriend planned your trip to Rome during the important football match? Do you want to stay updated on the recent rugby or hockey events even when traveling? Or may be you just want to grab a pint and hang out with like-minded people? Check out our selection of sport bars and pubs in the heart of Monti. Follow the link to their websites and see the updated lists of screened matches, events and even live music concerts!

  • Finnegan Irish Pub: Via Leonina, 66, +39 06 4747026, Mon-Thu 13:00-12:30, Fri 13:00-01:00, Sat 12:00-01:00, Sun 12:99-00:30. Website:
  • The Fiddler’s Elbow: Via dell’Olmata, 43, +39 06 487 2110, Mon-Sun 16:00-01:30. Wesite:
  • Shamrock Irish Pub: Via del Colosseo, 1c, +39 06 679 1729, Mon-Sun 12:00-02:00. Website:

Supermarkets / Markets

  • Conad City: Via del Boschetto, 52, +39 06 488 0341, Mon-Sat 08:00-21:00, Sun 09:00-13:30. Home delivery is possible from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00 for an extra 2€ (minimum bill value 15€, maximum 2 packs of water per order).
  • Elite: Via Cavour, 230/236, +39 390 648 5687, Mon-Sat 09:00-21:00, closed on Sundays.
  • Mercato Rionale: Via Baccina 36, Mon-Sat mornings.


Most of the pharmacies are closed on Sunday, but each of them will have a sign posted on the door, where to find the closest pharmacy which is open on Sunday or at night, as pharmacies on duty are changed every week on a rotation basis.

  • Farmacia Savignoni: Via dei Serpenti, 125, +3906 488 2973. Mon-Fri: 08:30-19:30, Sat 08:30-13:00, Sun closed.
  • Farmacia Enei: Via dei Serpenti, 177, +39 06 4891 9099, Mon-Fri: 08:30-20:00, Sat 08:30-13:00, Sun closed.
  • Farmacia: Via di S. Maria Maggiore, 109. Mon-Fri: 08:30-13:00/16:00-19:30, Sat 08:30-13:00, Sun closed.

Bike / Motorbike Rental

  • Bici & Baci: Via Cavour, 302, +39 06 94 53 92 40, Mon-Sun 08:00-20:00.
  • MRBike: Via Carlo Botta 35/37, +39 339 330 6147, Mon-Sun 08:30-19:30.
  • TopBike Rental & Tours: Via Labicana, 49, +39 06 488 2893, Mon-Sun 10:00-19:00.


If you are choosing where to stay in Monti, take a look at our apartment selection here: Apartments in Monti area.

Find Your Apartment in Rome